Sometime last week, we had our 10 thousandth visitor to Ponying the Slovos. We believe they (you?) were from Liverpool in England, but it might have been Sweden or Malaysia or the United States or any of over sixty different places.

We’d like to wish a warm welcome to all of you who have helped to support the project, and the site, today or any other day.

It’s amazing to see such interest from all around the world in our work on invented languages in literature, adaptation and translation.

We hope that you’ve found it interesting and enjoyable, and we would like to extend the invitation to you all to freely comment on any or all of our articles. We love hearing feedback, and it inspires our future work.

Most of our visits come, somewhat inevitably, from America and Britain, with many of you also visiting from Western Europe and the Ukraine. But we’re gratified to see that our work has reached you in over 80 countries worldwide.

So, whether you are visiting from Guadelupe, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Palestine, Iceland or anywhere else, we are grateful to each and every one of you. Welcome and thanks for visiting.

And do come again. We have lots more to tell you about this coming year.

Here’s to the next 10,000 visitors!

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