We are really excited to announce that we have not one but two amazing keynote speakers at the Ponying the Slovos conference next month.

Professor Andrew Biswell of Manchester Metropolitan University, a world authority on Anthony Burgess who authored A Clockwork Orange, will deliver a keynote lecture situating Nadsat in the context of Burgess’s oeuvre.

Additionally, Dr Marion Winters, who is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies and German at Heriot-Watt University, will deliver a keynote lecture on corpus-based translation studies, focusing on parallel corpora  and translator style and creativity.

If you’d like to hear these eminent scholars, as well as a full day of fascinating papers from researchers from three continents, covering a fascinating range of topics relating to translation and invented languages, register (for free!) today to attend the symposium at http://www.coventry.ac.uk/ponyingtheslovos2016

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